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360 Money Matters

Mar 29, 2022

Hello and welcome back to the 360 Money Matters podcast! Oftentimes, general insurance is overlooked and the priority is to get the cheapest possible rates and get the best deal for the price. However, when assessing a general insurance plan or strategy, the primary driver should always be the quality and conditions in...

Mar 22, 2022

Hello and welcome back to the 360 Money Matters podcast! If you’re looking to expand and grow your wealth in a more aggressive manner, exploring the concept of a Margin Loan can be a potential solution for this.


We’ve spoken before about how you can use debt to invest. In this episode, we’re going to...

Mar 15, 2022

Hello and welcome back to the 360 Money Matters podcast! Saving is no easy task. Especially in our current day and age that encourages high consumerist lifestyles and an economy where many individuals and families are drowning in debt. The traditional solution would be to keep working hard, but the idea of carrying on...

Mar 8, 2022

Hello and welcome back to the 360 Money Matters podcast! We have spoken a great deal about the power of investing. However when done correctly and managed appropriately, supercharging your wealth creation is possible, with the power of debt.


In this episode, we will discuss powerful strategies that will enable you to...

Mar 1, 2022

Hello and welcome back to the 360 Money Matters podcast! Not paying taxes is always an exciting concept. Today we are fighting Australia’s War on Tax and showing you how you can create massive tax savings for you and your beneficiaries?


Superannuation has been the dominating topic of this podcast for the past few...